What Is Deductible and How Does It Work?

Deductibles refer to a predetermined amount you have to pay out of your own pocket for medical services before your insurance begins to pay. To truly understand what a deductible is, we have to introduce a couple of other terms. First, there’s copayment. Copayment is the amount you have to pay based on your insurance […]

Are You Self-Employed and Applying for Health Insurance?

According to a survey conducted by Kaiser Family Foundation, employers pay around 74% of a family’s health insurance plan while the employee shoulders the remaining 26% Self-employed workers, on the other hand, bear the full cost of health insurance plans. This makes having health insurance coverage difficult to afford for self-employed business owners, especially since […]

Navigating Resumption of Medical Assistance

Don’t Lose Your Healthcare Coverage: Navigating Resumption of  Medical Assistance and Minnesota Care Renewals in 2023 Medical Assistance and Minnesota Care are two programs that provide healthcare coverage to low-income individuals and families in Minnesota. Due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, all Minnesotans with Medical Assistance and Minnesota Care had received continuous coverage for […]